In the corporate world, appearances are essential. A well-designed corporate shirt isn’t just a part of an employee’s wardrobe; it’s a walking billboard for the company. It reflects the brand’s identity, values, and professionalism. Whether for daily wear, special events, or team-building exercises, the perfect corporate shirt can foster a sense of unity and pride among employees. This is why the design process is critical. 

It’s not merely about selecting colors and patterns; it’s about weaving the essence of your brand into a garment that will be worn with pride. Crafting a corporate shirt design that captures the nature of your brand requires careful consideration and attention to detail.

In this blog, we will delve into the art and science of designing a corporate shirt that stands out for all the right reasons. From choosing the suitable fabric to incorporating your logo without sacrificing style, we will guide you through every step. 

So, Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to designing a corporate shirt that genuinely elevates your brand.

Steps to Design Company Shirts for Your Business?

Designing company shirts for your business involves several essential steps. Let’s dive into each one in more detail:

Define your Goals and Requirements   

Start by clearly defining the goals and requirements for your company shirts. Determine the purpose of the shirts, whether it’s for employee uniforms, promotional events, or merchandise. Consider factors such as your brand identity, target audience, and any specific guidelines or restrictions.

Choose the Right Garment

Selecting a suitable garment is crucial for the comfort and overall aesthetic of your company shirts. Consider factors such as style, fabric, fit, and durability. Choose an attire that aligns with your brand image and the intended use of the shirts.

Select Suitable Colors

Colors play a significant role in the design of your company shirts. Consider your brand’s color palette and choose colors that align with your brand identity. Think about the emotions and associations you want to evoke with your shirts. Additionally, consider the visibility and contrast of the design of the chosen garment.

Craft a Relevant and Engaging Message

Determine the message you want to convey through your shirt design. It could be your company slogan, a specific campaign message, or a representation of your brand values. Ensure that the statement is concise, clear, and aligned with your brand identity. Make it engaging and memorable for your target audience.

Develop a Visually Attractive Design

Create a visually appealing design that captures your attention and effectively communicates your message. Consider elements such as typography, graphics, and layout. Ensure that the plan is legible, balanced, and visually appealing. It should reflect your brand’s aesthetics and resonate with your target audience.

Consider Sizes and Quantity

To ensure inclusivity:

  1. Consider offering a range of sizes to accommodate different body types.
  2. Determine the number of shirts needed to be based on your target audience, whether it’s your employees or customers.
  3. Consider any size variations for specific roles or demographics within your business.

Define your Budget

Establish a budget for designing and producing your company shirts. Consider factors such as the cost of materials, printing, customization options, and any additional branding elements. Ensure that your budget aligns with your overall marketing and branding strategy.

Create an Appealing Design

Fine-tune the design elements to ensure they are appealing to your target audience. This might mean using trendy graphics or fonts that appeal to a younger demographic or more classic and understated elements for a corporate audience.

Find a Suitable Designer or Design Service

If you don’t have in-house design capabilities, consider hiring a professional designer or working with a design service. Look for designers or services with experience in corporate apparel and a portfolio that aligns with your brand aesthetic. Collaborate closely with the designer to bring your vision to life.

Explore Printing Options

Research different printing methods and techniques to determine the best option for your design and budget. Consider factors such as print quality, durability, and the ability to reproduce complex structures. Obtain samples or proofs to ensure that the printing meets your expectations.

Factors to Consider for Company Shirt Design

Designing company shirts involves considering various factors to ensure a successful and impactful design. Let’s explore each element in more detail:

Size Inclusivity

Ensuring that your company shirts are inclusive in terms of size is essential. This means offering a wide range of sizes that accommodate all body types. Size inclusivity shows that your company values all individuals and is committed to providing comfort and a sense of belonging to every team member. This factor is not only about availability but also about the fit of the shirts, ensuring they are flattering and comfortable for various body shapes.

Specific Styles for Women

In many cases, unisex shirts may not be the best choice for all body types. Offering styles that are specifically tailored for women can provide a better fit and more comfort, which can improve the wearability and appearance of the shirt. This may include contoured cuts, different sleeve lengths, or softer materials.

Design Files

The technical aspect of shirt design involves preparing the correct file types for printing. High-resolution vector files are typically required to ensure the design looks crisp and professional when printed. It’s essential to work with a designer who can provide the necessary file types and specifications that a printer will require.

Choosing a Printer

Selecting the correct printer is crucial for achieving a high-quality final product. Factors to consider include:

  • The printer’s reputation
  • The quality of previous work
  • The printing techniques offered
  • The cost

Some printers specialize in specific techniques like screen printing or embroidery, which can affect the texture and longevity of the design.

Brand Alignment

The design of the company shirts should align with your brand’s identity and values. This means using the correct brand colors, fonts, and logos. The shirt design is an extension of your brand and should be instantly recognizable to those familiar with your business.


The shirts should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also functional. This means choosing fabrics and styles suitable for the environments in which they’ll be worn. If your team is outdoors often, breathable and moisture-wicking fabrics might be best. If they’re in a corporate setting, a more structured and professional look may be appropriate.


With increasing awareness of environmental issues, choosing sustainable materials and ethical manufacturing processes can resonate positively with both employees and customers. Opt for eco-friendly fabrics and printing methods, and consider the environmental policies of the manufacturers you choose.

Design Simplicity

A simple design can be more effective and timeless. Overly complicated procedures can become outdated quickly, may not print well, and can be distracting. Simple designs are usually more versatile and have a broader appeal.

Employee and Customer Feedback

Before finalizing the shirt design, gather feedback from those who will wear them or see them often. This could be employees or loyal customers. They can provide insights into the design’s appeal and functionality that you might not have considered.

Finally, it’s essential to consider the legal aspects of your shirt design. This includes ensuring that any images or logos used are not subject to copyright or trademark restrictions. Additionally, if you’re planning to use the shirts for promotional purposes, make sure to follow advertising laws relevant to your industry and location.

Why Having a Corporate Shirt Design Is Important?

Marketing Tool

Corporate shirts serve as a mobile advertising medium. When employees wear shirts with the company’s logo, colors, and messages, they essentially become walking billboards. This increases brand visibility and can generate interest among potential customers. The power of such passive marketing is incredibly potent in public events, trade shows, and even in everyday interactions, as it subtly imprints the brand in people’s minds, making it more recognizable and memorable.

Enhanced Brand Recognition

A consistent and professional-looking corporate shirt design helps in establishing and reinforcing brand identity. When customers and clients see employees wearing corporate attire that aligns with the company’s branding, it helps to solidify the image of the company in their minds. This is critical because solid brand recognition can influence purchasing decisions and build a sense of trust in the company.

Promotes Professionalism

Corporate shirts can instill a sense of professionalism and pride among employees. When everyone wears the same attire, it suggests a unified standard and a high level of organization within the company. This sense of professionalism is often translated into the service provided, reflecting the company’s commitment to quality and excellence in every aspect of its operations.

Fosters Team Spirit

Wearing corporate shirts can enhance the sense of belonging and camaraderie among team members. It can serve as a visual reminder that each employee is a part of a more extensive collective working towards common goals. This can boost morale and encourage a more cooperative work environment where individuals feel more connected and engaged with their team.

Showcases Company Culture

The design and style of a corporate shirt can convey a lot about a company’s culture. For instance, a tech company might opt for a casual, modern design that reflects its innovative and forward-thinking values. On the other hand, a law firm might choose a more traditional design that communicates its commitment to professionalism and trustworthiness. The shirt becomes a symbol of the company’s values and attitudes.

Strengthen the Team Spirit

A well-designed corporate shirt can further reinforce team spirit by giving employees a shared identity. This is particularly important during team-building activities, corporate challenges, and competitive events. The shirt unites the team and can increase motivation to work together and support each other, aiming for success not just on an individual level but for the company as a whole.

Create Modern Uniforms

Modern corporate shirt designs can transcend the traditional notion of uniforms by incorporating contemporary styles, comfortable materials, and versatile usage. They can be tailored to suit various work environments, from the office to outdoor activities, ensuring employees are not only uninformed but also comfortable and stylish. This can have a positive impact on employees’ satisfaction with their work attire and can help in attracting new talent who value a workplace that considers their needs and contemporary work culture trends.

Wrapping Up

The creation of a corporate shirt should be considered an investment. It is an opportunity to broadcast a company’s identity in a universal language understood at a glance. As we’ve uncovered, the secret to designing a corporate shirt that elevates your brand lies in a thoughtful, inclusive approach that encapsulates your company’s unique narrative. Remember, a well-designed corporate shirt does more than clothe an employee; it weaves the individual into the fabric of your company’s story, creating a tapestry of team spirit and shared identity that extends far beyond the confines of the workplace.