Are you worried about how your beloved pet copes with being left home alone? Do they suffer from separation anxiety, getting scared or destructive when you’re not around? Dealing with your pet’s separation anxiety can be difficult and worrying. 

But by understanding the emotional needs of our furry friends and following a few essential steps, it is possible to make staying at home or being apart much easier for them. 

In this article, we’ll explore what causes separation anxiety in pets and provide helpful tips on how to decrease their stress levels so both of you can have peaceful goodbyes without any tears.

Make Sure Your Pet Has a Comfortable Place to Rest

Creating a comfortable and familiar environment for your pet is key to helping them cope with separation anxiety. This can mean providing them with their own special place to relax, such as a dog bed or cat tree. 

Investing in cozy and supportive furnishings for your pet will help provide a safe and comforting space when you’re not around, which can go a long way towards reducing anxious behavior. Coupled with proper training and rewards, it may even allow your pet to stay relaxed the next time you are away from home.

Provide Your Pet With Plenty of Toys and Activities

Providing your pet with plenty of toys and activities when you are away from home is a great way to help them from getting bored and settling into destructive behavior due to separation anxiety. Stocking up on interactive, puzzle-solving toys, as well as fetch toys for outdoor use, can give them something to focus on which can reduce the negative feeling that accompanies being left alone. 

Additionally, having a routine in place for when you leave the house – like giving your pet a treat or cuddle beforehand – can provide a sense of security during those moments of absence. A well-stocked toy shelf and love-filled send off will have your pet counting down the minutes until they see you again!

Create a Routine for Your Pet

Creating a routine for your pet can be one of the most crucial ways to help them cope with their separation anxiety. Having a regular pattern of mealtimes, playtime, and outdoor time makes your pet feel more secure and less anxious when you leave the home. 

Set aside designated times each day to feed them, spend one-on-one time playing with them, and take them outside for some exercise and fresh air. This consistency will help make your pet feel safe and supported as well as give them something to look forward to during the day!

Try Leaving Something That Has Your Scent on It

Separation anxiety can often be a difficult issue to manage when it comes to our pets. One method of soothing your pet is to leave something with your scent in their sleeping area. This object could vary, from a piece of clothing that you recently wore, or another item such as a toy or blanket. 

By leaving something that has your scent around the home, it can help provide comfort for your pet even whilst you are out of the house. Having a sense of security and reassurance can help your pet reduce the unwanted stress and anxiety of being left alone.

Make Sure Your Pet Gets Plenty of Exercise

Exercise is an important part of keeping your pet healthy and happy, as it can help reduce their overall stress levels, including any feelings of separation anxiety. It’s important to provide plenty of opportunities for playtime and activities that keep your pet moving and engaged. 

This can include playing fetch or other active games, taking them on comfortable walks, allowing them to explore the outdoors, and engaging in interactive training sessions. By making sure your pet gets just the right amount of exercise for their age and size it will be easier for them to manage any symptoms of separation anxiety when you are apart.

Gradually Acclimate Your Pet to Being Alone

Gradually acclimating your pet to being alone is an effective way to manage severe separation anxiety. This approach involves introducing your pet to being alone in a controlled and gradual way. With patience and consistency, you can help your pet feel more comfortable and confident when you need to leave them alone. Here are some tips on how to gradually acclimate your pet to being alone:

Start with short periods: Begin by leaving your pet alone for short periods, like 10-15 minutes, while you’re still in the house. This will help your pet get used to the idea of being alone without experiencing too much stress or anxiety.

Practice leaving routines: Create a consistent routine that you follow every time you leave the house. This can help your pet feel more secure and reduce their anxiety. For example, you could give your pet a treat or toy before leaving, and say a specific phrase like “be back soon!”.

Increase the duration of alone time gradually: Over time, increase the amount of time you spend away from home gradually. Start with 30 minutes and slowly increase the duration of alone time to an hour or more. As you extend the time, monitor your pet’s behavior for any signs of distress.

Provide comfort items: Leave your pet with comfort items such as toys or blankets that have your scent on them. This can help them feel more secure and less anxious while you’re away.

Reward good behavior: When your pet handles being alone well, reward them with treats, praise, or playtime. This will reinforce positive behavior and make the process of being alone more enjoyable for them.

Consider enlisting help: If you’re unable to be at home during the day, consider hiring a pet sitter or dog walker to keep your pet company. This can help ease your pet’s anxiety and provide them with much-needed social interaction.

Consider Getting Professional Help

If your pet’s separation anxiety has started to manifest in negative behaviors like incessant barking, destructive chewing and soiling, it may be time to visit the vet or an animal behavioral specialist. 

Professional help can take many forms: consultation with a specialist, medication or even desensitization techniques. It might sound intimidating but these services are designed to help curb such issues and give you peace of mind. 

Your pets will likely benefit from the time spent with an experienced professional; allowing them to learn skills that will reduce their anxiety in the long run. Don’t hesitate seeking assistance for your pet if needed – their quality of life could vastly improve as a result!


According to Matt Davies Harmony Communities, Managing your pet’s separation anxiety is something that takes time and effort, but can be done with some patience and persistence. Making sure your pet has a comfortable place to rest, providing them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied, creating a routine for them, leaving something that has your scent on it in their sleeping area, ensuring they get enough exercise for their age and size, as well as seeking professional help if necessary are all key strategies when dealing with your pet’s separation anxiety. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem, so it may require experimentation and creative thinking on your part. With the right approach and dedication though, you can make significant progress towards helping your pet feel more secure when you are away from home.